Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc
29 year, male patient admitted with severe leg pain. Diagnosed as a caseof lumber PIVD. patient was treated successfully with microlumbar discectomy. Patient is pain free and joined office work within one week.
Pre-op MRI

Pre-op MRI

Spine Injection (Transforaminal nerve root block)
24 year female patient suffering from severe leg pain since 2 month. She has been diagnosed as a case of L4-5 moderate disc herniation. She is treated with transforaminal nerve root block. She is relived of leg pain immediately. Relief from pain helped her to perform physiotherapy properly.
MRI showing moderate nerve compression

Injection of medicine around painfull nerve

Severe Lumbar Canal Stenosis
75 year, female patient suffering from severe lower back pain with heaviness and numbness in both legs. Unable to walk more than 3-5 minutes due to heaviness in both legs. She underwent lumbar decompression and fixation surgery. Started walking 48 hours after surgery.
MRI spine showing nerve compression

Decompression & fixation of spine

Osteoporotic Compression Fracture Of Spine
72 year, female patient suffering from severe back pain. She was bed bound due to back pain. She was treated with per-cutaneous kyphoplasty under local anesthesia. Completely pain free after procedure and started daily activities of living in 48 hours.
Multiple osteoporotic Vertebral fracture

Augmentation of fractured bone with cement

Tuberculosis Of Spine With Paraplegia (Leg Paralysis)
38 year female patient admitted with complete both legs paralysis and complete loss of bowel bladder control. After investigations diagnosed as a case of spine tuberculosis with acute spinal cord compression. She underwent spine surgery (dorsal spine decompression and fixation within 12 hours). She recovered completely. She has been treated with antitubercular drug for 2-years after surgery. She is living absolutely normqal life.
MRI showing spine Tuberculosis

Fixation of spine with screw

Spine Cancer (Monoclonal Multiple Myeloma)
58 year, female patient suffering from upper back pain with weakness in both legs. She has been diagnosed as a case of D-9 monoclonal multiple myeloma. She underwent surgery (spine decompression and fixation). She also received post-surgery chemotherapy. she is leaving almost normal life (2 year sine surgery).
MRI showing spine cancer

Fixation of spine with screw

Spine Fracture
22 year, male patient is suffering from severe lower back pain. He is diagnosed as a case of spine fracture (sacrum fracture) and pelvis fracture. Open surgery for this fracture is complex and risky.We performed this surgery perculaneous fracture fixation (Stitchless Surgery). He recovered fully and is able to perform his daily activities of living.
Sacrum Fracture

Sacrum fracture fixed through key hole

Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive surgery used to treat a spinal compression fracture.
Spinal compression fractures occur primarily in spinal vertebrae that have been weakened by osteoporosis. Compression fractures typically occur in the thoracic region of the spine, which includes the T1 through T12 vertebrae, but may also occur in the lumbar spine, or L1 through L5.
The goals of kyphoplasty are to reduce pain from the fracture, stabilize the vertebra, and restore the vertebra back to its normal height.